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News > Information and advice for the equine industry during Covid 19


Information and advice for the equine industry during Covid 19

April 10, 2020

The global pandemic of Coronavirus (Covid-19) has brought about many restrictions in a bid to contain the virus and reduce the burden on the National Health Service. While the care of animals including horses is considered an essential service, equestrians must comply with all government restrictions in order to reduce the effects of Covid-19.

The following website links provide further advice on working with and caring for horses in the ongoing situation. Please note that the situation has been changing frequently and to check the publishing date on any articles to ensure that you have the most up to date information.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA) has issued advice on caring for animals including horses during the ongoing restrictions.

British Horse Society

The British Horse Society (BHS) has issued advice for horse owners and carers. Their dedicated webpage also sets out information for businesses and those who are self-employed including BHS accredited coaches and BHS approved centres who are affected by the Covid-19 situation.

Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association

The Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (ITBA) has issued guidance for breeders and stud owners including how the social distancing restrictions should be implemented in equine breeding establishments.

Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board

The Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board (IHRB) have set out guidance to assist trainers and their staff during the Covid-19 restrictions.

Horse Sport Ireland

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) has set out a list of support measures for equestrian businesses in Northern Ireland which includes a three-month rate holiday for all business rate payers.
World Horse Welfare

The equine charity has set out practical measures on looking after your horse while under government restrictions and what to do if you need to self-isolate.

Equine Businesses

There are a range of measures in place to support businesses which have been affected by the ongoing Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.